Saturday, July 22, 2006

BON ODORI 2006!!!! part 1

wohooooooo~~~ Bon Odori 2006 at same place--- Standium Mashushita~
ahahaha tht day happen alots things... like someone rush into KTM to take ticket then the door close... then someone yukata tie wrong... but we still have fun and take a lots pictures~~~

This is me XDXD i wearing the yukata then take the fans~~ but i only got one fan at the end >"<

Me and Juin-san

Me and Aiko-san... someone tht bite me... cubit me... >"<

From left to right: Miki-san, Juin-san, Laguna-san, Elie-san(the one close with fan)

posted by yvesyz @ 7:10 pm

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